The MusicHelps Benevolent Fund provides emergency financial assistance to those whose situations and credentials meet our eligibility criteria for assistance. If you are a New Zealander who earns a living through music and are experiencing hardship due to illness, injury and/or significant misfortune, you can make a confidential enquiry about how the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund might assist you. Please use the form below or call 9 623 4728.
Those who have been professionally involved (now or at some time in the past) either full or part-time for 10 years or more (or alternatively for the majority of their adult working life) in making live or recorded music possible in Aotearoa can apply. This includes people from across the many disciplines involved in live and recorded music from composers & performers to management, live production crew, studio & backroom personnel, right through to those involved in corporate & retail roles in the industry. In some instances, relatives of those who are eligible may apply for assistance.
Benevolent Fund

A MusicHelps Story:
Lauren White
" MusicHelps NZ has made the completion of my postgraduate opera studies in London possible.
After being diagnosed with stage three melanoma in my first 6 months of study, I was facing a year-long course treatment and my ability to financially support myself through international study was severely compromised. The support from the Benevolent Fund has allowed me to complete my studies and even thrive at Trinity Laban Conservatoire in spite of obvious challenges. I am so grateful for this charitable support while I embark on my operatic career in the UK. "
Guiding Principles
Please note: the assistance the Benevolent Fund provides is typically of an emergency nature where we pay a third party to cover bills or source essential goods and/or services on behalf of an applicant, usually on a one-off basis. It is generally not a cash grant made direct to individuals.
The following constitute the guiding principles used by the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund Approvals Committee when assessing applications. The Committee reserves the right to take relevant information and circumstances that fall outside these guidelines into account when making its decisions. Note: annual tax returns may be required as confirmation of such employment / remuneration details.
“Applicant” means:•
a person who has worked in and contributed to the New Zealand music industry; AND
a person who is a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand.
“A person who has worked in and contributed to the New Zealand music industry” is taken to be:
a person who has earned his or her living from music for the greater part of his or her adult working life; OR
a person who has (most recently) worked part time for at least ten years as a permanent part time worker and who has received remuneration for all of that time and who considers that they have contributed to the music industry; OR
a person who has been continuously self-employed for at least the last ten years in categories including but not limited to”: Composer, Writer / Lyricist / Arranger, Performer, Manager, Sound Engineer / Producer, Agent / Promoter, Road Crew member, Music Retail, Venue staff
“Relative” means:
The partner of the Applicant who has been dependent upon them for at least the preceding ten years;
The child of the Applicant, dependent on them at the time of the claim and who will remain dependent for a future period;
A person who most recently and for a substantial period was wholly or mostly dependent on the Applicant for his or her maintenance, education or advancement in life.
Personal circumstances
An Applicant or Relative applying for assistance from the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund will be considered to be in need or suffering hardship if they are in financial difficulty as a result of illness, accident, injury, death of the Applicant on whom they were dependent or other significant misfortune.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly declared that the MusicHelps Benevolent fund will not be used to assist a person whose only claim for relief arises from hardship as a result of want of employment, delays or cancellation of shows/performances/events. Parties claiming for household repairs or rent would not normally be included, but such claims may be considered based on particular circumstances.
Decision process
Cases ordinarily will proceed first through a period of evidence gathering between MusicHelps and the Applicant or the Applicant’s authorised representative. Details of the case, referees, the Applicant’s financial situation and the Applicant’s view as to how relief may best be provided by the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund will be sought. These will be collated into an anonymised case report by MusicHelps Community Relationship Manager.
The case report, is then presented to the Approvals Committee of the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund. The Approvals Committee is made up of the two Trustee representatives of MusicHelps along with a Direct-to-Artist representative from RMNZ, an APRA member representative and an impartial music community-based nominee.
The Community Relationship Manager is authorised to enact all decisions taken by a fully attended meeting of the Approvals Committee that has considered a properly prepared case report. This process may take from 3 to 6 weeks, taking into account time required for evidence gathering and meeting logistics. The magnitude of any grant in this process is at the discretion of the Committee.
Urgent response decisions
We recognise that urgent situations requiring rapid decision making sometimes arise. In these situations, a case report will still be prepared by the Community Relationship Manager and circulated by email, with online conferences. Community Relationship Manager chairs this exchange. In order for a grant to be made by this process, the Community Relationship Manager must receive approval of the recommendation from a majority of the Approvals Committee by email, and the recommendation must be further approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of MusicHelps by email. The magnitude of assistance given in these situations will ordinarily be capped and follow precedent from past Urgent Response grant approvals.
Assistance limitations
For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly declared that the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund will not be used to assist a person whose only claim for relief arises from want of employment, delays or cancellation of shows/performances/events.
Whenever possible, approved financial relief will be paid directly to a third party product or service provider and not to an Applicant or Relative.
The charity will not ordinarily use the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund to provide emergency assistance more than once to any single Applicant or their Relative(s), but reserves the right to do so upon receipt of an appropriately submitted application. Applicants are advised that any additional application would need to meet the guideline criteria to a high level, reflect extraordinary circumstances and/or detail a need not evident at the time of the initial provision of assistance in order to be successful.
Committee discretion
Notwithstanding the above guideline criteria, the decision to approve or decline the provision of emergency assistance is at the sole discretion of the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund Approval Committee. All decisions of the Committee are final, and the Committee is unable to enter into communication with applicants.
Please submit the following enquiry form so we can assess your eligibility to complete an application for a grant from the MusicHelps Benevolent Fund